Nos dias 5 e 6 de Abril o TeenPower esteve presente no Annual Meeting 2019 com a apresentação de 4 comunicações orais:
Frontini, R., & Sousa, P. (2019). Exploring healthcare professionals’ acceptance towards ICT-based interventions for health promotion: A mixed-methods approach. Annual Meeting 2019, Coimbra, Portugal. |
Frontini, R., Sousa, P., Carvalho, M., Alves, R., Ferreira, R., & Figueiredo, M. C. (2019). A mobile-based monitoring sleep system integrated in a mHealth program. Annual Meeting 2019, Coimbra, Portugal. |
Sousa, P., Frontini, R., Luís, L., Carvalho, M., & Alves, R. (2019). A mobile-based food diversity monitoring system for promoting healthy dietary habits. Annual Meeting 2019, Coimbra, Portugal. |
Sousa, P., Frontini, R., Luís, L., & Ferreira, R. (2019). The relationship between eHealth literacy and adolescents’ food choices. Annual Meeting 2019, Coimbra, Portugal. |